January Exhibit: Art Inspired by Music
Come to our Open House on January 19th from 3 – 4:30 pm.
We will have recordings of the music along with simple refreshments. This is your opportunity to view the art and speak with artists.
Artists and Their Work
Mary Louise Dean
- Scheherazade, oil on canvas, $375
- Swan Lake, oil on canvas, $600
- Serenade for Strings, oil on canvas, $350
Kentucky artist, Mary Louise Dean offers our exhibition a series of abstract paintings based on her favorite classical music. A common theme is the melodic and mournful minor key of each piece. She listens to the music allowing the “dance” of the brush on the canvas to inspire the composition and colors.
She has been an active plein air painter for the past ten years, and has participated in group shows in Louisville, Lexington and Paris, Ky. Mary Louise and her husband have recently moved to Milwaukee, WI, where she can be closer to family.
Judy Hower
- My “blue boat home”, acrylic and ink on canvas, NFS
- Painting inspired by the folk song Blue Boat Home by Peter Mayer, folk singer/songwriter
Blue Boat Home
Though below me, I feel no motion
Standing on these mountains and plains
Far away from the rolling ocean
Still my dry land heart can say
I’ve been sailing all my life now
Never harbor or port have I known
The wide universe is the ocean I travel
And the Earth is my blue boat home
Sun, my sail, and moon, my rudder,
As I ply the starry sea
Leaning over the edge in wonder
Casting questions into the deep
Drifting here with my ship’s companions
All we kindred pilgrim souls
Making our way by the lights of the heavens
In our beautiful blue boat home
I give thanks to the waves upholding me
Hail the great winds urging me on
Greet the infinite sea before me
Sing the sky my sailor’s song
I was born upon the fathom’s
Never harbor or port have I known
The wide universe is the ocean I travel
And the Earth is my blue boat home
Kathy Rees Johnson
- Adagio, (Schubert String Quintet in C Major), acrylic on board, $550
- Bagatelles, (Dvorak), mixed media on board, $550
- Assez Vif, (Ravel String Quartet), acrylic on board, $300
- Le Pont Mirabeau, (Wang Jie), acrylic on board, $550
- The Lark Ascending, (Vaughan Williams), acrylic on board, $550
- Sibelius, Symphony No. 3, mixed media on board, $550
- Black Earth, acrylic and oil stick on board, NFS
- Vltava (Smetana), acrylic on board, NFS
Three passions of Kathy Rees Johnson: Art, Earth and Music, come together in these paintings. A deep love for music and creating art meet with celebrating the beauty of the Earth. When listening to music, Kathy envisions landscapes and the underlying emotion revealed in the music. Her abiding affection for a wide variety of music and landscapes can be witnessed in this collection of work.
Helen Powell
- Night on Bald Mountain, (Mussorgsky), oil on canvas, $450
Storms provide color, sound, texture, and movement. These physical attributes are translated by Mussorgsky into an emotional, vibrant piece of music.
Helen Powell will be the featured artist at the First Presbyterian gallery in March/April. Her exhibit is titled, Water, Earth, and Sky.

Kathy Rees Johnson, Adagio, (Schubert String Quintet in C Major), acrylic on board, $550
Judy Hower, My “blue boat home”, acrylic and ink on canvas, NFS
Kathy Rees Johnson, Bagatelles (Dvorak), mixed media on board, $550

Helen Powell, Night on Bald Mountain (Mussorgsky), oil on canvas, $450
Kathy Rees Johnson, Le Pont Mirabeau (Wang Jie), acrylic on board, $550

Mary Louise Dean, Scheherazade, oil on canvas, $375
Mary Louise Dean, Swan Lake, oil on canvas, $600
Mary Louise Dean, Serenade for Strings (Dvorak), oil on canvas ,$350

Kathy Rees Johnson, The Lark Ascending (Vaughan Williams), acrylic on board, $550
Kathy Rees Johnson, Sibelius, Symphony No. 3, mixed media on board, $550
Kathy Rees Johnson, Black Earth, acrylic and oil stick on board, NFS
Kathy Rees Johnson, Vltava (Smetana), acrylic on board, NFS
For more information, or to make a purchase inquiry, please email Kathy Johnson: kathyreesjohnson@gmail.com